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Nurse Refresher Leads Published in Journal for Nurses in Professional Development

The Journal for Nurses in Professional Development has published an article detailing how the UNC-Chapel Hill Friday Center for Continuing Education, the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing, and the North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program responded quickly to address a potential nursing shortage because of the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 by waiving the tuition and fees for an accelerated version of their online, self-paced Registered Nurse Refresher Theory Course. The article was written by Jennie Wagner, an associate professor for the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing, Mary Schuler, the Statewide AHEC Nursing Liaison and an assistant professor for the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing, Kathryn Fitzpatrick, an education specialist for the Charlotte, NC AHEC, and Mike Cain, Associate Director for Programs at the UNC-Chapel Hill Friday Center for Continuing Education.

This virtual, accelerated version of the RN refresher course provided a safe and effective path for North Carolina nurses to return to nursing practice and meet the needs of their communities during COVID-19. The article highlights that out of the 189 RNs across North Carolina who enrolled in the program, 129 successfully completed the program in 90 days.

Access to the full article, “Experienced Nurses in North Carolina Recruited to Combat COVID-19,” can be obtained here.

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