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DLL Launches Digital Badging Pilot

Example of UNC-Chapel Hill digital badge for Paralegal Certificate

Around 1,000 recent graduates of the University’s boot camps and Paralegal Certificate have been offered the opportunity to upload a UNC-Chapel Hill digital badge to online resources such as their LinkedIn profile or their personal website.

Alternative credentials like digital badges can signify, in intuitive and commonly accepted ways, what holders of the credential know and can do. Digital badges may represent a certificate or training completion, and they also allow students, colleagues, and current and potential employers to view a list of skills gained by the learning opportunity.

As lives and careers lengthen, and technology and jobs change more rapidly, education doesn’t end at the completion of a degree or training program. It continues throughout an individual’s life, often via shorter, more targeted models. DLL is the University’s central, dedicated resource for expertise and innovation surrounding lifelong learning, professional education, and online teaching and learning.

For a consultation about digital badges or other alternative credentials, UNC-Chapel Hill units can contact Tyler Ritter, Director of Digital Learning Design & Development.

CATEGORIES Homepage News | Lifelong Learning | Noncredit Offerings | Technology

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