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UNC-Chapel Hill Partners with NC Works to Provide Free Tech Skills Training to State Residents

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CHAPEL HILL, N.C. – January 31, 2022 – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Digital Lifelong Learning has partnered with Orange County NC Works, the state’s workforce system, to fund a scholarship initiative that will give state residents access to part-time, fully-online boot camp training programs through UNC Chapel Hill at no cost. The scholarship, part of 2U, Inc.’s Access Partnership program, will help bolster North Carolina’s talent pipeline in a fast-growing and in-demand technical field of data analytics.

“The field of data analytics is changing all the time, making this kind of life-long learning essential,” said Todd Nicolet, UNC-Chapel Hill’s Vice Provost for Digital and Lifelong Learning. “We’re proud to be collaborating with Orange County NC Works to make these careers accessible to North Carolinians across a range of backgrounds and experience levels.”

Scholarship recipients, selected by Orange County NC Works, can enroll in UNC Chapel Hill’s data analytics boot camp, available on edX.org, with courses beginning in February 2022. The scholarship, which covers the full cost of the programs, is available exclusively for North Carolina residents, who can apply through their local workforce agency. (This partnership is in its pilot phase and only available to WIOA-enrolled students that are residents of Orange County, NC. To learn more about the Orange County WIOA Program click here.)

“Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board is happy to collaborate and partner with UNC’s Office of Digital and Lifelong Learning and 2U to support the training of individuals in the data analytics bootcamp,” said Tammy Wall, Director of the Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board. “With data analytics being one of the fastest growing technical professions, we are happy to offer job seekers the opportunity to gain the skills needed to enter a field where they will gain a rewarding career.”

Data analytics has quickly become one of the fastest growing technical professions. Demand for data analytics professionals in North Carolina is high – according to Burning Glass Labor Statistics, companies like Wells Fargo, Bank of America and others have posted more than 77,000 data analytics jobs in the past six months. This new scholarship initiative will help expand UNC Chapel Hill’s initiative to educate working adults across a wide range of backgrounds and experience levels to help meet the needs of local employers.

Local Employers Invited to Get Involved

This Access Partnership pilot was made possible through a generous donation from corporate partner Apex Systems. With additional investments from local employers, the scholarship program can expand even further. Employers interested in helping build a diverse pipeline of local tech talent and benefiting from 2U’s talent matching and referral services for those awarded scholarships can email mbartlett@2u.com for more information.


About University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Office of Digital and Lifelong Learning
UNC-Chapel Hill Digital and Lifelong Learning is the University’s central resource in support of the development of digital programs and pedagogies, as well as other flexible and nontraditional learning opportunities. Learn more at fridaycenter.unc.edu.

About Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board
As one of 23 Workforce Development Boards located throughout North Carolina, and a member of the NCAWDB (North Carolina Association of Workforce Development Boards), the Regional Partnership Workforce Development Board serves the counties of Alamance, Montgomery, Moore, Orange and Randolph. Through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) we help individuals and businesses within this five county region gain access to the programs and services that connect talent to jobs. The WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. Learn more at regionalpartnershipwdb.org.

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