Registration Open for Spring 2022 Community Classroom Courses
Discover a new interest, discuss compelling subjects with peers and scholars, and gain new insights to apply to your day-to-day life... Whatever your motivation, our enrichment classes are meant to stimulate your mind and reawaken your curiosity.

Most classes meet either Wednesday (single-session) or Tuesdays and Thursdays (double-session) from 10:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Classes will meet in-person or via Zoom video conferencing software. See each course for details. Each course fee ranges from $15-45. For more information or to register, visit the registration page here.
This spring’s lineup includes:
- Are You Smarter than Your Smartphone? Basic Android 101 Training
- Are You Smarter than Your Smartphone? Basic iPhone 101 Training
- Art Appreciation: The Rhonda Wilkerson Art Collection
- Buster Keaton: Existential Slapstick
- Dante’s Paradiso: What in Heaven’s Name?
- Deep Roots and Sturdy Branches of Country Music, Then and Now
- Emeralds of Oz: Life Lessons from Over the Rainbow
- Ethics, Smethics! Ethics in an Age of Lies and Deceit
- Judge Parker Goes to Nuremberg: A Tar Heel’s Human Rights Journey
- Passport to Retirement: Real-World Financial Education for Current Retirees & Those Contemplating Retirement
- Soldier, Priest and God: A Life of Alexander the Great
- The History of the Financial Crisis of 2008
- The Origin of Baseball
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