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The words "Higher Education Research Series" overlayed on top of an image of a conference room.

This summer, Digital and Lifelong Learning launched a new series of events designed to share higher education industry research with campus leaders and other stakeholders.

In July, representatives from 2U shared industry trends related to higher ed marketing with a variety of campus stakeholders including deans, campus communications leaders, and DLL staff. Areas of focus included:

  • Student demand for microcredentials
  • Impact of modality and program format on learner demand
  • Larger higher ed market trends
  • Changes in search data and SEO, and their impact on higher ed programs

UNC-Chapel Hill’s partnership with 2U includes a variety of online graduate degree and boot camp programs. It is one part of the University’s larger commitment to digital, flexible and lifelong learning.

In August, DLL will host research firm EAB to talk about trends in undergraduate and graduate degrees. DLL hopes to continue this program throughout the academic year with other partners. To learn more, contact Megan Johnson: megan_johnson@unc.edu.

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