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2025 – 2026 14-Week Session Calendar

The 14-Week Session Calendar applies to students in specific online graduate programs. For a program list or more information about the calendar, visit the main 14-week session page. If you are in one of the online programs following this alternative calendar and are dropping a course associated with your program, use the “Week Spans & Refund Schedule” below to determine the percentage of course tuition refunded to your student account.

While the tables below provide information about where online graduate students in these programs diverge from the traditional calendar, there are several instances where standard UNC calendars apply.

Fall 2025 – Summer 2026

Fall 2025Spring 2026Summer 2026
Course registration opens.TBD. Early July 2025.TBD. Mid-October 2025. TBD. Mid-March 2026.
Priority Course Registration Ends, Initial Tuition Bill GeneratedThursday, July 17, 2025Thursday, December 11, 2025Thursday, March 12, 2026
Deadline for students to request a deferral or Leave of Absence.Tuesday, August 12, 2025Tuesday, December 30, 2025Tuesday, April 21, 2026
Deadline for students to drop classes and get a full tuition refund.Sunday, August 17, 2025Sunday, January 4, 2026Sunday, April 26, 2026
FIRST DAY OF CLASSES (FDOC)Monday, August 18, 2025Monday, January 5, 2026Monday, April 27, 2026
Last Day for students to add a class. Sunday, August 24, 2025Sunday, January 11, 2026Sunday, May 3, 2026
Last Day for students to drop a class (end of week 10).Sunday, October 26, 2025Sunday, March 15, 2026Sunday, July 5, 2026
Last day for graduate students to request an administrative drop.Tuesday, November 11, 2025Tuesday, March 31, 2026Tuesday, July 21, 2026
LAST DAY OF CLASSES (LDOC)Sunday, November 23, 2025Sunday, April 12, 2026Sunday, August 2, 2026
Grades Posted byWednesday, November 26, 2025Wednesday, April 15, 2026Wednesday, August 5, 2026

Days Off: Fall 2025 – Summer 2026

Read more about days off on the main year-round,14-week session calendar page.

No synchronous classes are held on these days. When your synchronous session day falls on a day off, typically that course will have no content or assignments due that week. If you have classes on other days, you will still have content and work in those courses.
Fall 2025Spring 2026Summer 2026
MondayMon., Sept.1, 2025Mon., Jan. 19, 2026Mon., May 25, 2026
TuesdayTues., Sept. 2, 2025Tues., Mar. 17, 2026Tues., June 16, 2026
WednesdayWed., Oct. 15, 2025Wed., Mar. 18, 2026Wed., June 17, 2026
ThursdayTh., Oct. 16, 2025Th., Mar. 19, 2026Th., June 18, 2026
FridayFri., Oct. 17, 2025Fri., Mar. 20, 2026Fri., June 19, 2026
Saturday - SundayOct. 18-19, 2025Mar. 21-22, 2026July 4-5, 2026

Week Spans & Refund Schedule: Fall 2025 – Summer 2026

Academic weeks start on Mondays and end on Sundays Sunday
Refund %Fall 2025Spring 2026Summer 2026
Week 195%Aug 18-24Jan 5-11Apr 27-May 3
Week 280%Aug 25-31Jan 12-18May 4-10
Week 370%Sep 1-7Jan 19-25May 11-17
Week 460%Sep 8-14Jan 26-Feb 1May 18-24
Week 550%Sep 15-21Feb 2-8May 25-31
Week 640%Sep 22-28Feb 9-15Jun 1-7
Week 730%Sep 29-Oct 5Feb 16-22Jun 8-14
Week 820%Oct 6-12Feb 23-Mar 1Jun 15-21
Week 910%Oct 13-19Mar 2-8Jun 22-28
Week 100%Oct 20-26Mar 9-15Jun 29-Jul 5
Week 110%Oct 27-Nov 2Mar 16-22Jul 6-12
Week 120%Nov 3-9Mar 23-29Jul 13-19
Week 130%Nov 10-16Mar 30-Apr 5Jul 20-26
Week 140%Nov 17-23Apr 6-12Jul 27-Aug 2