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Tyler Ritter

Chief Operating Officer and Director of Professional Education

Tyler Ritter is the Chief Operating Officer and Director of Professional Education for Digital and Lifelong Learning at UNC-Chapel Hill.

In this role, she manages the day-to-day administrative and operational functions of Digital and Lifelong Learning and provides leadership and direction for professional and continuing education.

Tyler holds a Master of Arts in Digital Communication from UNC-Chapel Hill, a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies from UNC-Chapel Hill and a Graduate Certificate in Communication & Technology from UNC-Chapel Hill.

She joined UNC in 2003 as director of marketing for the Friday Center for Continuing Education. She later assumed leadership of the Communication and Instructional Design unit at the Friday Center, overseeing all marketing and online course development for online programs. Then named Director and Chief Operating Officer for the newly-launched Carolina Office for Online Learning, she built the operational structure and team for this office, growing from 4 to 14 team members in the first year and building a core suite of online program development service offerings including instructional design, multimedia development, and market analysis reporting. Tyler also previously served as vice president of a regional marketing and advertising firm in Raleigh, NC.

Tyler is currently on the leadership council for the University Professional and Continuing Education Association’s (UPCEA) Alternative Credentials Network and a member of the Council for Credential Innovation.



(919) 843-5836