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Friday Adult Learner Scholarship


“We’ve got to build upon this tradition now – make it wider, deeper, richer.”William C. Friday

Each fall and spring semester, the Friday Adult Learner Scholarship awards $750 to three part-time, degree-seeking, undergraduate students studying at UNC-Chapel Hill. The scholarship is named for former UNC President Bill Friday, who strove to make a University education available to all citizens of North Carolina. The scholarship can be applied to college expenses for the semester for either Carolina Courses Online or Part-time Classroom Studies. Funding for the scholarship comes from donor contributions.

How to Apply

Please submit a one-page letter describing your goals and need for the scholarship by the deadline. Include your name and PID on the application.

  • Application deadline for fall semesters: July 1
  • Application deadline for spring semesters: December 1

Send your application via email to Dr. Melissa J. Solomon with a subject line of “Friday Adult Learner Scholarship.”

This scholarship is not automatically renewable, but recipients are welcome to reapply in subsequent semesters.